god's not done...

prepare to embark on a journey that will accelerate our impact and discipleship of thousands in vacaville...
welcome to beyond
welcome to beyond
recent updates
we were birthed
by great faith &
a really big dream.
how did we get here?
It all started with Pastors Dave and Donna simply being available - giving God their “Yes”. What then became eight people in a living room, praying and believing, has turned into thousands meeting at campuses and church plants all across California and beyond.
Every time we stretch and every time we reach, people who are far from God encounter His presence and their lives are changed FOREVER! Each time God has challenged TFH to stretch, our church has owned that challenge and sacrificed to make it happen.
in solano county alone
there are 400,000 people
who don't attend a
life-giving church.
Maybe that is why God keeps asking us to stretch so that more people can experience the life-changing love, hope, and healing found in Jesus.
our opportunity
God’s heart is, and has been, beating for people. At TFH, that is our heartbeat, too. Now, as we have journeyed through several seasons of faith-stretching, financial sacrifice, and providing a place & space for others, God is asking us once again to expand our buildings to prepare for the harvest that is on its way. A harvest that will require us to be at our best in...
so, here we go again
We are now going to stretch again by expanding our campus so thousands more can find new life in Christ.
god's not done...
so, we're not done
BEYOND is our two-year generosity campaign to lead 100% of the people at TFH to a place of 100% trust in God so that we can raise $10 million to expand our campus.
what we are
expanding for
be challenged,
leave your
comfort zone.
“It was character that got us out of bed, commitment that moved us into action, and discipline that enabled us to follow through.”
Zig Ziglar
how can i respond?
Great question. BEYOND is our 2-year, 10-million-dollar generosity campaign to expand our campus. Imagine how big of an impact we would have if 100% of us rallied together and committed to the Beyond Campaign. Imagine how many lives would be changed forever.
Our Opportunity and Response

make a commitment
equal in sacrifice.
frequently asked questions
We hope these answers are helpful.
Our goals are two-fold. First, 100% participation in this sacrificial journey, above and beyond current giving. Our second goal is to see $10 million given over the next two years. If there is a third goal, it would be to pay for this building expansion in cash.
Throughout all of history, God has chosen to work powerfully in challenging times. Even in the history of TFH, God has asked us to make a stretch in uncertain times. In 2010, God asked us to conduct our Imagine Campaign to make the move from our Peabody location to our current 22-acre site. In 2019, God had our Napa campus and East Bay campus to raise capital for their new buildings. Now in 2023, here we are again being asked to raise funds for building expansion. It isn’t certain and prosperous times that determine when we conduct campaigns and build buildings, it’s the leading of God.
TFH is about reaching people who are far from God and growing them up in their faith. It’s never been about size. If a lot of people experience life transformation through our church, our church is going to grow. People keep telling others about how God is changing them through relevant biblical teaching that can be applied to real life. Given our mission, we’ll never “arrive”—not until everyone is reached.
The Father’s House is, “One Church, Many Locations.” In the establishment of a new campus, Vacaville plays a critical role in funding that expansion. Once established, it’s healthy for those campuses to take responsibility for their future expansion. As recently as 2019, both our East Bay and Napa campuses conducted their own campaigns to fund their new buildings. So, the Beyond Campaign and building expansion is the responsibility of the Vacaville campus. We will pray and believe that God will move through US! It is exciting that our campus is going to fully support and fund our expansion through God’s provision.
Our giving campaigns are derived from the giving campaigns found in the Bible. One of those principles is giving to projects and special needs “over and above” one’s current giving. Thus, a generosity campaign like Beyond or our Legacy are “over and above” asks and thus shouldn’t affect our general budget giving.
Regarding Legacy, we won’t be having a Legacy emphasis at the Vacaville campus in 2023, though our other locations will conduct Legacy. So, our Beyond Campaign is stepping into radical faith, extreme generosity, and sacrificial giving that is “over and above.” Those commitments will be for 2 years of giving to our building expansion.
Our goal is to raise $10 million in 2 years. Although this amount can seem like a daunting figure, it is absolutely reachable with the partnership of all God’s people who have a burden for their community.
When TFH built our current buildings, we downsized our current entryway, café, and lobby to honor our promise to build buildings in a responsible manner. This has created a challenge for creating community, and connection, and providing space for smaller gatherings. This expansion will be an extension to our current auditorium and create the space that was originally planned. We are adding this multi-purpose space with a 500-seat auditorium, as well as a circle drive that will enable people who need drop off near the entry.
We have other buildings that are a part of our original master plan – a stand-alone chapel, a full-size gymnasium, and an outdoor amphitheater in the future.
The unanimous and unwavering commitment of our leadership team is to continuously give to missions, community outreach, and the under-resourced. This has been one of our top values at The Father’s House and this will never change. Because Beyond is a sacrificial and faith-based commitment beyond our tithe, we do not anticipate wavering from our current budgets and giving goals.
Something else to consider: When we were a church of a few hundred we were able to give and invest generously each year into missions and benevolence. As our church has grown, so has our capacity to give, and our missions-giving has increased proportionally. The progression is obvious. As we grew, so did our own outreach-giving. As we grow even more, we have incredible faith that our giving will continue to increase and accomplish more than we have ever done before!
We will! Remember, just as Vacaville has become our “hub” campus, increasing in influence, becoming a beacon in the community, and growing substantially, it has enabled us to plant churches and establish additional campuses. As Vacaville continues to grow, so will our ability to launch new locations and new churches. So will we continue to do that.
Our campus expansion is as much about being able to deepen our church family in the areas of community, connection, discipleship, equipping, and specialized ministry, which will produce additional growth and strength to better serve other cities through plants and campuses.
Glad you asked! You should feel no pressure, stress, manipulation, coercion, or worry throughout this journey. We are leaning heavily on the Holy Spirit to guide our entire church body through the days ahead. We want you to: 1) Pray, “God, what do you want todo through me and my family?” 2) Position yourself to be available and willing to do what God asks you to commit to do. 3) Fill out a Commitment Card when it’s time – in obedience to what God tells you to do!
After you have taken the preparation steps of faith and prayer and arrive at a dollar amount that you are committed to invest over the next 24 months, the commitment can be paid however and whenever works best for you – weekly, monthly, annually, or multiple installments.
Yes, and won’t that be glorious. It was never our intention to have a situation where people fight the heat, cold, wind, and weather as they make their way into the auditorium. TFH is to be more than a service, it is to also build community and connection. This expansion will allow us to develop a more robust gathering and ministry experience both indoors and outside.
At The Father’s House, we are always looking for ways that God would have us to expand. To make room. Room for more kids and youth ministries, room for more families to get planted in the house, room for more people to encounter the presence of God, room for more people who are far from God to find life in Christ.
As our Vacaville campus grows, we are ready to take the next step toward completing our original master plan and have begun planning our next building. This new space will provide a beautiful outdoor covered plaza, a new 500-seat auditorium where we can more effectively reach our youth by creating their own worship experience during our Sunday services. A space where School of Ministry, Celebrate Recovery, and more, can meet and have room to grow. There will be additional classrooms for Discover and New Believer’s classes to expand into.
We’re excited for an oversized lobby connecting to our current auditorium. as well as creating a space with an indoor/outdoor coffee shop that becomes a 3rd place for our community and church alike. The coffee shop will be open throughout the week and quickly become one of the best places to work, have meetings, and connect (including a nearby play area for kids). We will continue to move Beyond being just a church in the city, but a church for the city in a new way.
First, don’t think about dollars right now. We just want you to accept the challenge to engage in the journey. Start by praying for people in your life yet to be reached. Pray for what God wants to do in and through you. Let him speak to your heart and simply respond to his leading. Second, take the time to go through the 6-week “Journey Guide”we will provide to help you interact with small group discussions, a daily devotional and prayer, and a commitment guide. We're asking each individual or household to evaluate their priorities and spending, consider their current and future resources, and determine how much could be given above their normal general giving that would reflect true sacrifice.
Everyone can join this journey and be apart of something truly amazing. God wants to multiply the efforts of his people beyond their greatest dreams.